Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I love summertime...

I love the lazy days of summer. I love being able to drop whatever and go to the beach or go to the pool. I love not having to worry about bedtime (although I do like them to go to bed at some point) Last Monday night Mel called up to see if they could come over a day earlier than planned...OF COURSE!!! My kids were so excited. On Tuesday we drove to SEACLIFF Beach in Santa Cruz. I had never been to this beach, it had lots of good things but the sand was really rough and it made boogie boarding not so enjoyable. It did have a big pier and a shipwrecked boat. The kids had fun just being together. I am always blown away at how big everyone is!!!
We tried getting the perfect picture, but it never seemed to work. Nick was always ahead or just a really fast jumper!!! We took one of the best pics and framed it for my Mom's birthday.

Ally and Bella...we swapped kids for a few days. Bella stayed with me and Jay went home with Mel.

Britt and Beth went to Utah to hang out with Grandma Susie, Pa Bob and Aunt Anne. They are also going to EFY...they will be gone for 10 days. (really too long for my liking, but what do you do?)


Michelle said...

When I read on FB last week that you were going to the beach, I almost called you up to invite us along! My kids love going to the beach and it's so nice we are close.

The Sorensen Family said...

Adorable pics!!! I love summer too, although I really wish I lived by a beach!!