Tolerance does not mean LIVE & LET LIVE . You can love someone while still maintaining and advocating your own STANDARDS and BELIEFS. Every American has FREE SPEECH and RELIGIOUS LIBERTIES. I'm always humored when a group goes after church organizations. Do they not remember that the PILGRIMS came here for the right to worship how and where they wanted!!! PROP 8 is not trying to "change" anyone or take rights away from anyone. PROP 8 is not a hate proposition, it's a freedom of speech issue. If churches can't tell congregations how to vote, in return the states can't tell people how to worship. A YES vote on PROP 8 is truly a vote for equality for EVERYONE not the other way around.
Out of 50 states 2 of them recognize same sex marriages--in both cases this decision was enforced by the courts not by the voice of the people! Why are there not more people upset about the fact that the courts are changing laws? Judges who legislate from the bench are breaking the law. There job is simply to UPHOLD the laws that are voted on by the people. It's not their job to make the law. That is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I believe that it is time that ALL people should stand and CLAIM their privilege and be allowed to "worship how, where, or what they may"
The coalition behind PROP 8 isn't trying to take freedoms away from anyone (whether we agree with them morally or not) they simply want the definition of marriage to be written as between a MAN and a WOMAN.
Everyone has choices, and that includes ME. I choose to STAND for PROP 8 and TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE...I know I don't stand alone. It's time that the PEOPLE make some noise and take back what is CONSTITUTIONALLY ours! Get out and make some noise people!!!
GET OUT AND VOTE NOVEMBER 4th! I look forward to standing with the thousands of people in support of this proposition on NOVEMBER 5th waving a banner of VICTORY!
I stand with you.. I vote YES on prop 8
Good post! I agree.
I agree!! I love ALL your pictures in San Fransico! I am so jealous! You are always doing fun things!! You have such a cute family!
Amen! Well put. I couldn't have said it better myself.
Good writing Heidi! We may have to move from California if Prop 8 doesn't pass!
Well, well,
Heidi, you seem to have found a soapbox. Thomas Jefferson really believed that the voice of the people was synonymous with the voice of God. However "the people" as a mob can be easily dupped into expressing ideas and ideals that they, in reality, do not think are good. They often learn that too late. In this case the voice of the people was right. The united voice of good people usually is but we still need to be vigilant of what "the people" are persuaded to express by evil designs which do exist in the hearts of conspiring men. It can happen. Keep your vigil! Have you no new thoughts?
Love ya,
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