This is
Ally on her blessing day with
Pa Bob...he made her blessing dress. Of course he made her
TWO dresses for her baptism. I look at her so tiny and I still think of her this way. I can hardly believe she's baptized. She is such a fun,
happy, spirited girl. She has a very sweet little testimony. She reads her scriptures every night and prays before she goes to sleep.

this picture is
goofy of everyone and Jay is missing, but it's
sooo cute of
ALLY I couldn't resist posting it. (this is her true personality shining through)

Could this picture be any
sweeter? I'm not sure which one
adores the other more...they
love each other so much!!!
My cute little
family...I can't believe they're all so big! When did that happen?
During this picture
Ally was making sure that I knew she didn't want any
lipstick on her white outfit (cause I was planning on kissing her outfit...weirdo!)

this was right after she got dressed...Anna and Bella came into the changing room. It was fun to have them in there while Ally got ready!
The Sorensen Triplet Cousins... Bella & Ally down Samie to go. Samie will get baptized in December. 3 in one year...whew!

TA DA!!! Ally was so excited finally be baptized like Bella. I love that they both are wearing their baptism dresses that Pa Bob made. Not many little girls in the world can say they have dresses made by their Grandpa. What a special treat!!!
Oh WOW! I cannot even believe she is 8 and now baptized! I was unpacking some boxes last week and came across a stack of pictures that you sent me of ally when she was about 1. In one she was climbing in the toilet. I remember talking to you on the phone all the time and you would have to hurry and go because Ally had climbed into the toilet!! WHAT THE HECK!!! and it makes me sad because that means it has been 8 years since the last time we lived in the same state. Sniff Sniff. Where has the time gone?
So fun to see her baptism pics! Wish we'd been in attendance, but please give her our congratulations. Great pictures! By the way, you still have that crazy picture of me on your "Qian Family" link---I've changed our picture to a family one so see if you can update it :)
I can't believe she turned 8!!! She is so pretty! Looked so cute and happy! Loved all the family pictures!!
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