Saturday, June 6, 2009

Exam Room 16...

During the last week of May we made two trips to the ER... both times we ended up in Exam Room 16. Jay got Poison Oak from where is still a mystery. He was pretty miserable. This was on the same Friday night that Jon and Emily came to visit. Wayne stayed and played host to our visitors. I think they played FARKLE...after Jon put in our new garage door opener (which we love)

Britt slipped a disc in her back and was in a lot of can tell in the picture she'd been crying. I hate when my kids are in pain and I can't help them. Britt was cute and said to me as she was crying..."can't you just kiss it and make it better" As sweet as that was I felt worse knowing that my kiss wasn't magic. (I kissed her anyway)
Everyone seems to be on the mend...let's hope it stays that way!


The Piquant Storyteller said...

Heidi, I am so sorry about your kids! I'm glad they are doing better and I hope they make a full recovery. Being a mom can be so painful sometimes. Your kids are lucky to have you as their mom though. You are a great mom.

Michelle said...

That's no bueno, as Stephen would say. I wished my kisses would magically heal my kids forever. Hope you stay out of the ER and room 16 for a long time.

megs said...

I think we can officially say that "16" is no longer your lucky #

Amelia said...

WoW!! Whats with that? There is nothing worse than the ER!!

Ben and Ash said...

Why on earth did you have your camera with you to document the ER visits? I think that falls into the "obsessed" with blogging category...

Next time Jay goes camping send him with some TP so he doesn't have to use the leaves...

Sorry to hear about Britt. At least one of your kids has the sense to stay out of trouble. Good job Ally!
