Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween fun...

HALLOWEEN is such a fun time around here. We LOVE it. We went to our friends the JOHNSON'S and baked and decorated SUGAR COOKIES.The whole FAMILY dresses up for all of the school FESTIVITIES. Wayne was DRACULA and I was DRACULA's BRIDE... We were the MYSTERY readers in Allyson's class. We had a great time reading Halloween stories and then making books and writing our own "SPOOKY" stories with her class. I think Brittany simply went as a 13 year old this year...she's so much fun to have around! CRAZY yes, but fun nonetheless! Jay went as BOB THE BUILDER ... here he is running down the aisle of people high fiving all of his adoring fans at the school PARADE...
Ally was TINKERBELL she loved being the first person in line for her class. She got to hold the sign with their class name.
Britt had several parties this year. Above she and ANIG show off their "GANGSTA' FAIRY" costumes before heading off to go TRICK OR TREATING by themselves with friends. (it never gets easy to let them run off by themselves...thank goodness for CELL PHONES)

Youth Dances are one of my favorite parts of being a youth leader. It's just so fun to see the youth find out that the opposite sex actually doesn't have COOTIES. Britt is lucky to have lots of boys and girls her age not just in our ward but in the stake too!

Our Stake TRUNK or TREAT is always so much fun. It starts with a carnival wth lots of food and games. Britt got to stuff nearly 500 hotdogs this year.Britt playing cranival games with friends...they even had a Wii set up and it was a big hit with Britt's crowd. "Mikey, you don't know how to fish very well..." LOL!!!Ally with her good friend MEG Johnson.Jay again as BOB the Builder getting ready to blow BUBBLES for a bubble blowing contest.We all had a great Halloween this year. It seems like it went on for days and days...maybe because it DID! We have enough candy to last us until the EASTER BUNNY comes. I'm sure, I'll throw it out or donate before then!


Karalene said...

Fun to see you Halloween Festivities. Too much Candy? Think Food Storage-- vacuum seal it. It will be the easiest food you ever rotated through.

Also I was talking to my sister and telling her how nice your comments on my post are... I read them for self-esteem boasts. Thank You!!

Ben and Ash said...

I LOVE Halloween!!!! Looks like you guys celebreted well!
Great costumes too...Heidi I am especially liking yours! LOL!!!


Sorensen's said...

It looks like you guys had a great Halloween! Exactly how many costumes did Britt wear?

The Sorensen Family said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun Halloween activites!!! loved all the costumes!!

The Sorensen Family said...

Thinking about you guys with all the prop 8 going on. Hope things get better for you all. Love ya!