Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Final days of Prop 8

This is Nathan, Jay and Mikey running back across the street after waving YES signs and dodging eggs and insults. I love seeing the youth so involved and seeing them really standing up for their beliefs.

Our family has enjoyed every minute of getting the word out on Prop 8. We went down with a few friends and waved signs on a busy corner here in Pleasanton. We had lots of birdies flying, names like BIGOT yelled at us and a few other choice superlatives not worth repeating. We even had eggs thrown at us. One of my favorite parts of this whole experience was while we were waving signs this particular time a HIGHSCHOOL student parked his car and walked up to us. Of course our defenses went up as parents, but he simple said "this is my first time to get to vote and I'm undecided on prop 8--convince me why I should vote yes!" Wayne and I talked to him for about 10 minutes and he left with a better understanding of what PROP 8 really is. He asked us if we were a christian family and we all yelled happily "YES WE ARE!" He said "me too" It was really awesome to see the courage this kid had and his true desire to be educated on his own vote. YES ON 8...my kids are going to miss this. I told them we will probably be fighting this battle for a LOONG time!

On Saturday we got a call to come and WAVE our prop 8 signs. It was pouring down with rain. My kids didn't blink, they jumped and said "let's go!!" When we arrived there were several NO on 8 people waving also. They were all very cordial. There were a few non-LDS folks waving YES signs, and they were grateful for the reinforcements. One of the NO wavers said to Jay "I'm so sorry, you're Mom is making you wave in the rain." Jay quickly with no hesitation said "my Mom doesn't make me do anything, I CHOSE to do this" Very proud Mommy moment! Last night at about 10:00 we went and put together about 100 YES on 8 signs and then drove all around Pleasanton to put up a sea of signs on every corner. My kids were'nt about to miss this "special ops mission" as they called it. They were in heaven. As I was driving and the family was jumping out at corners when they all jumped back in I was then pulled over by a police officer (we had just had a conversation at how many tickets I had and how many Wayne had so it was very ironic) I was freaking out but was happy to get a ticket for the cause. "Do what ever you can... "right? The police officer was very nice he asked what we were doing we told him and he said be careful and don't ever block traffic...NO TICKET!!! yay WHEW
Britt has stood steadfast during this election. I couldn't be happier to see her strength and courage to voice her beliefs. NO on 8 people say it won't go into the schools...too late it's there and the youth are having t defend their beliefs and they are doing it without batting an eye!

This is Jane Barlow, she is MRS. PROP 8. We met at her house to assemble all the signs. Many thanks to you and Steve for all you've done! You guys are AWESOME

Jay carrying out his "special ops mission" The kids loved darting in and out of the car blanketing our city with YES ON 8 signs. It was very fun, even though they woke up cranky this morning. We dealt with it, we were out until about 11:30--all worth it!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN... I'll get all of our haunting adventures on here soon. I'm off to vote!!!


Karalene said...

Thank you Heidi, Wayne, Jay, Allison, and Brittany!

I would of helped you last night! I went around my own neighborhood replacing signs for those who had been stolen the same time mine was and putting out a new one on a friends lawn that I had asked prior if it would be okay.

Yes, you should be proud of Jay for setting that lady straight! Jordan said it has been hard for him... but no surprise all his friends stuck with him LDS and Non. We have faith, we have hope-- we have great kids!

Thank you bunches for your families efforts.

Michelle said...

You guys did so much for this. Way to get involved. Our ward wouldn't let anyone younger than 16 do sign waving (or many other things as well). I'm anxiously awaiting the results now.

Knudson said...

This is great! way to go! i just watched a video someone made of this rally and it was amazing! It is posted on the Kieth's Blog go check it out from my blog. it looks like it is you guys now that i see your pictures. did you make the movie. it has the boys in it running across the street!! let me know if that is you guys! how cool it brought me to tears to see all that support! Way to GO!!! this is such a great example for our kids they will be fighting this battle for a long time!

The Qian Family said...

Hi Heidi! I really enjoy your passion on this issue. I love to see people so sure of what they think and feel and doing something about it. Your family looks very happy!

Ben and Ash said...

You guys are awesome!

Congrats! All your hard work paid off!!!