I'm still deciding what I should blog about next. So much to blog about!!!
Stay tuned!!! (I promise something is coming...probably YELLOWSTONE fun finally!!!)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wordy Post...
Okay, so I finally feel a little settled. I think it's about time I posted something on my blog. A lot has happened since my last post. I can finally talk about Girls Camp without crying...still get teary eyed, but no more full on crying!!! Camp was very different this year. I was solely over CAMPFIRE and didn't work all year with the YCL's...that was weird! I love doing campfire, and the girls make everything worth it! Britt was a 4th year which means she leaves camp for most of the week. This year it was an adventure for her for sure. I was sad to see her go, but sooo excited for her what she got to do. The 4th years in the Pleasanton stake leave for 3 days and 2 nights to then hike ROUND TOP, a 10,000 foot peak in the Sierras. This year was a little different, the group of girls got a little off course (we wouldn't dare say LOST!!!) they just didn't make it to their "planned" destination the first night. Most of my readers know the story so I won't recap the whole thing. The groups second day out, they were located and after a LOOONG day were brought back to camp around 12:30 am. I was thrilled to get to see Britt, we both hugged each other and started crying and then laughing and recapping the events. While Britt was off with the 4th years, I was back at camp and got the dreaded flu bug that hit almost 30 of our campers. I was OUT!!! I was glad for great YCL's who stepped in and did campfire for me! It was only a 12 hour bug so by morning I was really doing a lot better (until I heard about the "misplaced" 4th years!) All in all it was a great year at camp, one that will go down in history I'm sure! I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to go to Camp Ritchie for the past 5 years. Which leads me to the next thing...Our family has moved back to OREGON! I am so sad to not get to go back to Camp Ritchie! It was an amazing Girls Camp...I know girls camp will be fun here too! (I hope I get to go!)
The kids have each melded great at their new schools. Each of them had great friends in California and they have gravitated to the same type of friends here in West Linn! Each of them is happy and that of course makes me happier!!! We love being near family. Wish all of my family was closer.
I have been called to be the 2nd counselor in RS...I haven't been to RS since I last lived here 7 years ago! I am excited to work with the "enrichment" committee...which is now just supposed to be called RS mtg night- RIGHT?!?!
Here soon (maybe even later today) I will post about the SORENSEN adventure to YELLOWSTONE, and my quick trip to Utah to see AMELIA, MEGAN and their cute babies!!!
The kids have each melded great at their new schools. Each of them had great friends in California and they have gravitated to the same type of friends here in West Linn! Each of them is happy and that of course makes me happier!!! We love being near family. Wish all of my family was closer.
I have been called to be the 2nd counselor in RS...I haven't been to RS since I last lived here 7 years ago! I am excited to work with the "enrichment" committee...which is now just supposed to be called RS mtg night- RIGHT?!?!
Here soon (maybe even later today) I will post about the SORENSEN adventure to YELLOWSTONE, and my quick trip to Utah to see AMELIA, MEGAN and their cute babies!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Camp Ritchie 2010
Pictures from Camp Ritchie 2010...to go down in history as the best 4th year hike EVER!!! I'm still a little emotional about this year, I sat down to blog about it and started getting teary eyed. I think it probably has more to do with the fact that my years at Camp Ritchie are over because we are moving...aahhh yeah, I can't talk about this right now! Enjoy the pics!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I'm trying to get caught up on my blogging...here's TREK 2010
I feel very blessed to have been able to go on the TREK with our youth this year. I truly find it to be a blessing to be able to serve in such a great Stake. (I'm sure every person who serves with the youth feels this way!) I was fortunate enough to go on a Trek four years ago...I was the photographer and did a lot of walking, but enjoyed every minute. This year I was on the activities committee and I got to serve with my cute husband. It was a very different experience, I didn't hike as much with the youth, but I got to meet them as they came into camp each night. I was amazed at how happy each company came into camp. They literally came in running and singing, eagerly ready to do activities. This time around my oldest daughter Brittany was on the Trek. It made the experience this time around to see her enjoying and growing through her own experience. Britt was selected to be part of the TREK SINGERS and on the first day Wayne and I walked to meet up with the Trekkers to hear Britt singing during the final vignette. Of course tears filled my eyes as we heard her sing "Come, Come Ye Saints" I know I sound like a broken record, but Britt is AWESOME!!!
Above is Britt's family. What a great group of kids she got to be with. I can't help but think the Lord has something very special planned for her, because she always ends up with amazing leaders and kids to hang out with. Below is Britt and Hannah having a stick pull fight. The stick pull was one of the many activities on the first night and I happened to be in charge! Sadly, Hannah out pulled Britt, but it was one of the best matches of the whole bunch!
Below is a picture of Taylor Fife, he was Britt's oldest "brother". He is one amazing kid, and he gets the award for my favorite quote of the whole TREK. Here's the story...on the first day the kids in their family were learning how to work together and how to steer the hand cart. The boys were usually in the back and the girls were in the front. The families Ma and Pa were encouraging the kids to keep the handcart straight...apparently it was rather difficult and they weren't doing a very good job of it and Taylor asked "what's so great about being straight anyway?" When this story was related to us back into camp we laughed and laughed...pretty much the whole night! Taylor, I'm so glad you were in Britt's family! I adore you♥

Below is the activities committee heading out before all the Trekkers. As you can see we were FULL. Wayne had a great time sitting on our "steer". I was a little worried he might fall off and get hurt, but of course he was fine and only had to duck a few times to avoid getting decapitated by trees.

Above is on the second night. During the few months leading up to trek, the activities committee taught the youth how to square dance. During this night we had the kids compete family against family in a dance off!!! A lot of people thought we were crazy and that we would NO WAY get the kids to square dance...they loved it!!! It was such a fun night. They danced FOREVER and at the end of the dancing HOXIE, our cook had hot scones ready for everyone. I really can't say enough about the attitudes of our youth...they were all truly AMAZING!
These are some shots of Britt and her family trekking. I was kind of blown away at how difficult the terrain of the trek was, but the kids NEVER complained. They really were trekkers and I love that they built such great bonds with each other and truly learned to work together.

Above is Britt's family during the Women's Pull...I thought this part was going to be difficult for the girls, but they did it so easily and expressed several times that they thought it was going to be longer. I got to help them during this part...I thought it was PLENTY long enough!!! Below is of course my cute Britt...I loved that she had so much fun making her outfits. I think she was the cutest little pioneer girl ever!!! (I'm a little prejudice!)

These are just some random shots of Britt's family trekking...I have to say I lucked out that the photographers son was in Britt's family so I ended up with a lot of pictures of her!!! Thank you Brother Fisher ;)
Enjoying a sit after dinner right before square dancing begins. LOVE THESE LADIES!!!
I love the above picture of Britt. I don't know what it is, but every time I look at it I get teary eyed...not hard for me to do I know!!! Britt has been blessed with some great opportunities in her youth. Wayne and I really enjoyed being in camp to greet her upon her coming in from trekking all day. She was always eager to share her day of events and hug and kiss us. I feel really blessed that she includes us and is never embarrassed to have us around. (we are pretty amazing too;)) Her group of friends always came to hang out with us, and ate dinner with us and encouraged us to do the activities with them. It was fun to have them include us ol' folk!!!
The above picture is the last leg of the Women's Pull...you can tell they are exhausted, but they do have smiles on their faces!!!
Thanks Brother Fisher...I love the above picture. Britt came home and told me that Bro. Fish was IN HER FACE CONSTANTLY...I am so glad he was!!!

There ya have it...our 2010 Trek with the Pleasanton Stake. Saturday morning we had a testimony meeting, which was so good. Britt and the Trek Singers sang some great songs...yes, I cried A LOT!!! So glad to be apart of the true gosple of Jesus Christ and to be able to share in these adventures that provide opportunites for the youth to gain or strengthen their testimonies. I always feel that my testimony grows leaps and bounds serving with the youth. What a privilege!!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Some much needed catching up...
Mother's Day weekend my sister flew me up to Seattle to attend a fundraiser. It was all about PURSES and we scored a lot of new bags!!! Doesn't matter what we're doing or where we are it's always a party with ANNE!!!
For whatever reason these pics got out of order and blogger isn't letting me rearrange them...GRRR!!! Below are a couple of pics of the kids in their Easter clothes. As you can tell I was playing with my camera a lot back then! However, my kids are quite adorable!!!

I lived in Oregon for a few years and never made it to Seattle, I'm glad that Anne appeased me and let me do some sight seeing!
The Seattle Temple was beautiful...it was a perfect day. This is where my husband first went through the temple, and did youth trips back in the day!

The week after the kids returned to school from spring break we decided to pick them up early and take them into the city to do the ZIP LINE on the Embarcadero. We thought we were being so clever in doing it on a weekday...we arrived too late and weren't able to get tickets. We were all bummed but decided to go over to Golden Gate Park and have some fun anyway! The kids love the cement slide! It's always fun visiting this HUGE park! We then went to the Ferry Building and got some food for a picnic. The day started out as a bust but turned out great anyway!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
"Mom I need to feel loved, can you do a blog about me?"...JAY
I love my Jay man! He is in my opinion the best son in the world (for me!!!) He is very astute in knowing when I need help and when to steer clear! He's such a little gentleman, and is very respectful to me and his sisters.
This year Jay has grown a lot and is almost as tall as me. I'm not ready to face the fact that soon he will be the tallest in our family! Jay has had a fun year in middle school. It's been a pleasure to see him make some tough choices about what friends to hang out with. I'm lucky that he made GREAT decisions. Everybody loves Jay...the line from Ferris Bueller comes to mind when describing him-- "Oh, he's very popular! The sportos, the motorheads. geeks, *&^%$, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, @#%!&*@#$, they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude!" This describes Jay to a tee!!! One day I was helping a few of the 12 year old girls from our ward with a project and I asked them "so, how is Jay at school?" they replied "EVERYBODY LOVES JAY!"
Jay is very inquisitive. He asks some deep questions sometimes and is NEVER satisfied with some of the passive answers I give him. He has a real desire to know answers!!! I love him for that, he keeps me on my toes!
Have tree will climb...this will be engraved on his tombstone!!!
When we went to the park to take pictures of the kids, I thought it would be cute if all the kids were hanging upside down. Jay COULD NOT do it! We laughed so hard at his desperate attempts.

A couple of weeks ago, one of the 6 year olds in our ward called and asked if Jay could come over and help show him how to dress for church. It was soo cute! The following Sunday, Jay was asked by the parents to come and help get the kid ready for church...Jay very willing went and helped! I know a lot of the little guys look up to Jay. Jay has quickly become the favorite babysitter in the ward and it's starting to irritate his older sister!!!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
My sweet Britt turned 15 on Friday...I still can't believe it!!! Britt was born on Mother's Day. It was a perfect first Mother's Day. I feel so blessed to be her mother. I have learned so much from her. Britt is so confident in who she is and truly stands strong for all that she believes in. People are drawn to her and she welcomes everyone with open arms. Britt was recently asked by the Stake Presidency to speak at the upcoming Seminary Graduation, she will be speaking in honor of the Freshman. She's amazing! Britt is definitely the peacemaker in our family. She's always the first to make a joke and the first to speak up when she has an opposing opinion...always with tact of course! She's an amazing negotiator and is very good at getting what she wants. I truly am so thankful the Lord sent her to me, she's been a joy from day one!!!
She's always been picture perfect in my opinion. She has always made everything an adventure and a fun memory! I love her for that!
Can't you just feel her mocking my picture taking in this one...she's a delight!

This year Britt had a "Minute to Win it" party. It was so fun to see her and her friends do the goofy games and compete against each other. Britt has an amazing group of friends. It was fun to have a houseful of teenagers.
I love this picture above...I wish I had video taped the opening of presents. All of the guys made "ooh and aww" sounds every time Britt opened a present. It was HILARIOUS!!! The night was filled with fun and games and the energy from these guys is infectious!
Every child should be so lucky to have an aunt like Aunt Anne...she surprised Britt by showing up with Beth and Bella. Anne called from our driveway (unbeknown to us) and told Britt to go online and look at the picture she had just posted of her present. When Britt opened up the picture it was of Beth and Bella in our driveway. So fun!!! Wayne and Jay were away at Father's and Sons so we went and enjoyed a girls night out. We went to dinner and then went and saw "Letters to Juliet" it was the cutest movie!
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